Family Advent Guides

Christmas is a wonderful season of fun and celebration!  Each of us wants to keep the focus on Jesus, but find it easy to get distracted. I want to share with you something we do in our home to help us focus on our Savior. If you are looking for something for your family, maybe this can help.

The word “advent” means coming.  For us, Advent is a 4-week countdown to help us remember why Jesus came. We begin with a small, green wreath in the center of our table as a symbol of everlasting life.  In the center of the wreath, we place 4 colored candles (blue, white, green, red). Each week we light a different candle and talk about a different aspect of Jesus’ coming.  We then sing a few Christmas carols and usually end up in fits of laughter (mostly due to my singing!).  It’s a fun time that our children have begun to look forward to and helps us reorient ourselves towards “the reason for the season.”  Additionally, it is a great excuse to eat some cookies and cocoa together.

Week 1 – Blue candle “Jesus is Our King”; Isaiah 9:2-7, Luke 1:26-33

Week 2 – White Candle “Jesus Makes Us Clean”; Matthew 1:18-21, Isaiah 1:18, Revelation 7:14

Week 3 – Green Candle ”Jesus Gives Us Life”; John 1:1-18, 10:10

Week 4 – Red Candle “Jesus is Our Sacrifice”; Luke 2:1-20, Isaiah 53

If you want to start your own Advent celebration, feel free to take our idea and make it your own.  We also have two additional Advent guides available for your family.  You can download them by clicking one of the links below or pick up a printed copy at the Check-In area.

This guide utilizes the Jesus Storybook Bible to help your family focus on the entire Gospel during the Christmas season. It gives suggestions for use 3-5 days per week.

Written by author Ann Voskamp, this guide provides instructions to build your own Jesse tree.  This is a fun family project that can be as simple as you would like.  The guide begins on November 29 and gives short daily scripture readings to walk you through the story of Scripture leading up to the coming of Jesus.